Driving Innovation with Fusion
Fusion replicates the process powering the stars, such as our sun.
It does not affect the atmosphere with carbon emission nor involve radioactive products. This is the future we need.
Deutelio’s commitment is to unlock fusion and to develop commercial applications.
The Polomac
Deutelio is a private initiative promoting an alternative path to fusion energy. The Tokamak research line pursued worldwide since 1970 met several difficulties, heavily jeopardising the objective of commercial energy production from fusion before 2050, as a support to the global effort towards Net Zero Emissions. As a result, new plasma magnetic confinement concepts, such as Stellarators or overlooked alternatives like the poloidal confinement are being pursued to achieve more efficiency and better performance.
The Polomac, our proprietary technology, is a poloidal magnetic configuration where the outboard magnetic lines are deviated aside together with the plasma, to open some accesses to the dipole coils located inside the plasma. These accesses, called magnetic tunnels, are used to support, feed and cool the dipole coil. They avoid the impact with plasma which led to abandon past poloidal experiments, despite their good stability and confinement efficiency.
The poloidal confinement can achieve Deuterium-Tritium reactor conditions with a magnetic field 3 times weaker than the Tokamak, in steady state rather than pulsed. With the same high field as in the Tokamak the poloidal confinement can achieve Deuterium-Deuterium reaction, thus avoiding the development of the breeding blanket to produce the Tritium.

Meet our Chief Technology Officer
Filippo Elio began his career in nuclear fusion research in 1984 for the design and the construction of a large RFP apparatus at “Istituto Gas Ionizzati”, a department of CNR in Padua (Italy).
In 1994 he was selected by EURATOM for the European part of the ITER project group and contributed to the Blanket, First Wall and Vessel, including construction and testing of pre-series prototypes. Being in the Garching headquarters at the “Max Planck Institute für Plasmaphysic” he got in contact with the German group that built the new advanced and super conducting Stellarator W7X, so between 2003 and 2005 he collaborates in the redesign of some critical parts of the magnet support structure. The Stellarator is developed in Europe as back up solution to the Tokamak, while the RFP has been omitted due to the poor experimental achievements.
In this way Filippo became experienced in the three major lines of fusion research: Tokamak, Stellarator and RFP. These lines were pursued by researchers all over the world in order to to achieve fusion by magnetic confinement of hydrogen and his work was appreciated by many key contributors in the research.
Faced with the prospect of not seeing any short term development in nuclear fusion, Filippo began to review once again plasma physics and check past experiments carried out all around the world in research laboratories. This is how in 2010 the idea of Polomac was born: a model of what happens in the Earth’s ionosphere, in continuation of the experimental and theoretical works performed from 1960 to 1990 in many research laboratories.
For more information about our Chief Technology Officer, visit Filippo’s Profile
Selection of publications of Filippo Elio
- Revisiting the poloidal magnetic confinement – Fusion Engineering and Design 89(6), 2014
- Six-party qualification program of FW fabrication methods for ITER blanket module procurement – Fusion Engineering and Design 82(15-24):1774-1780, 2007
- The WENDELSTEIN 7-X mechanical structure support elements: Design and tests – Fusion Engineering and Design 74(1):161-165, 2005
- Design and R&D progress of blanket attachments – Fusion Engineering and Design 69(1):321-326, 2003
- Installation, commissioning and start up of RFX – Fusion Technology (pp.717-721), 1992
Additional papers available under Research Gate
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At Deutelio, we are revolutionizing the Fusion Industry with an innovative technology, the Polomac, developed by our co-founder Filippo.
Explore our organizational culture and embrace the unique opportunity to collaborate in a cutting-edge technology validated by experts and already useful on a variety of markets.
The fusion market is experiencing unprecedented momentum, driven by advancements in scientific research and increasing global investments.
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